The Journey Begins

” Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter . ” — Izaak Walton

Hi! Welcome.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. It will be one filled with joy, fun, and knowledge!

I started this website to talk about my progress in hopefully becoming a great software engineer. I will share the knowledge I’ve acquired so far and give insight into the ups and downs along the journey of accomplishing my dreams. I also aim to learn from you. First, a little about myself.

My name is Taslan. I’m from the beautiful island of Jamaica. Like most children, growing up I had an interest in a number of things, however, I mostly enjoyed drawing, playing the lovely sport of cricket, and playing around with electronics. As I grew older I developed an interest in outlets that expressed deep levels of creativity such as film making, photography, music( even though my actual skills are limited) and software development.

I chose Information Technology, more precisely, software engineering as my career because I experience the greatest levels of creativity and excitement while developing or using a well designed software. I also believe that Information Technology is the perfect avenue for me to make a positive global impact.
I still take part in photography and videography, but this website will focus mainly on my true passion, software engineering.
As time progresses and we become closer friends, you’ll learn a lot more about me.
The journey begins!

Until next time, Think, Learn , Create, Repeat!

About the Author

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